Manzoni: Dr. "Azzeccagarbugli"

Manzoni: Dr. "Azzeccagarbugli"
Picture by Francesco Gonin, 1840 edition of Alessandro Manzoni's "I promessi sposi"

venerdì 24 aprile 2009

Law and paintings and drawings and sculptures...

These are some of the pictures that you proposed becuase they all are, in a particular way, linked to the idea of law and/or justice. You will find among them:

- "La vision de Hugo" by Théophile-Alexandre Steinlein.
- "Portrait of the lawyer Hugo Simons" by Otto Dix.
- Buon Governo frescoes by Ambrogio Lorenzetti.
- "Les gens de justice" by Honoré Daumier.
- "Mercurio in volo" by Alessandro Romano.
- "Die Gerechtigkeit (The Justice), Tarot by Hans Rudolf Giger.
- "La consegna del Codice Rocco" (The delivery of the Rocco Code) by Giulio Bargellini (Ministry of Justice, Rome).
- "Electric Chair" by Andy Warhol.
- "Abu Ghraib 66" by Fernando Botero.
- "Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen" (Fountain of Justice), Berne, by Hans Gieng
- Lady Justice, Old Bailey, London

2 commenti:

Giorgia.c ha detto...

After a little research I found an interesting portrait-sculpture: "Ritratto dell'Avvocato Gabriele Consolazio" (1940).
The author is Pietro Annigoni and his work of art is one of the few sculptures.
In 1947 the author,together with other artists,signed the "Manifesto dei Pittori Moderni della Realtà".
The work of art shows the face of lawyer in old age with wrinkles and few hair, a choice of the author that remember the ancient Roman concept that the value of a person is the story of his life and the portrait of older people is a symbol of a long and full life.
Concept that for me is valid also for the portrait of lawyer Consolazio.


Giorgia Ciucci

Giorgia.c ha detto...

I would specify that what I wrote before isn't a comment, but since I couldn't follow the lectures of Professor Watt, I tried, however, to find something pertinent to the topic (naturally through other sources), and this work of art seemed to me a good signal.


Giorgia Ciucci