Manzoni: Dr. "Azzeccagarbugli"

Manzoni: Dr. "Azzeccagarbugli"
Picture by Francesco Gonin, 1840 edition of Alessandro Manzoni's "I promessi sposi"

domenica 15 marzo 2009


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4 commenti:

Valentina D. ha detto...

I'm a law student in my fourth year and I'm attending with great interest the course "Law and Humanities", organized by Professor Conte.

In my opinion these are stimulating and special lessons because they go beyond the traditional teaching method and they let us enrich our knowledge in different fields.

I allow myself to suggest it to those students who would like to try and test themselves with new subjects which are discussed from time to time by skilled professors who come from prestigious universities of foreign countries.

D'Antona Valentina

Stefania Gialdroni ha detto...

Thank you Valentina!

Antonio F. Filocamo ha detto...

I would like to thank to Professor E.Conte for organizing the course and giving us the opportunity to meet excellent Professors of important Universities.

I'm really intersted in studying the law subject from a different point of view and with different teaching method.

Antonio F.Filocamo

Michele ha detto...

i'm a fourth year law student and i found this course very interesting and exciting.
The most important point is this: union between law and all works of art.
I think it an important search point for all the students.
I hope for this course a big success and a lot of appreciation.
Thank you Dott.ssa Stefania and Professor Conte!