Manzoni: Dr. "Azzeccagarbugli"

Manzoni: Dr. "Azzeccagarbugli"
Picture by Francesco Gonin, 1840 edition of Alessandro Manzoni's "I promessi sposi"

mercoledì 6 maggio 2009

Ken Loach in room 3!

Well, not Ken Loach himself, but his movie. It will be projected in room 3, just after the class.

5 commenti:

astrid F. ha detto...

hello everybody!
I was really happy when I knew that we would study on a ken Loach's film. As a fan of cinema, I really like his movies because he reches social topics ad social causes as firements in the North of England, economic crisis, poor workers that have been fired without being protected by the Government (especially under ms.Thatcher's)...The movie we saw (I saw it at home as I had the IHL lesson after wednesday's course)is a tipical topic of Loach's. The misery, loosing the job,commiting crimes just to survive in a harsh world and finding a -most of the time illegal- way to keep out of the dying society that surrounds Loach's Character are tipical.
i would like to advise all of you about two other great movies of ken, as Sweet Sixteen, where a teenager (16 years old) is dreaming of a perfect family with a normal house, family, washer-dryer and comfortable couch with TV sessions for a happy family. But the problem is that his family isi't good at all: Liam's mum is in jail and he hates his mum's boyfriend ; his grandfather in always drunk and in trouble. Obviusly, Liam needs some money. That (with the particular family condition) will train him into dangerous lives - illegal frames- and unfortunately once he cgoes in he won't come out anymore, destroying his life. The persuit of a dream will let him go in the most dangerous, violent and illegal world.It is very very sad, but still very realistic, the realities we don't live here (as students from good families) but still realities that are nearer than we could think.Just to mention anotherone :the Navigators where 5 men are being fired from their company and trying to get out of precarity.
Law and society anre very important in these films and conducts us to a realistic drama that, at the end, still surrounds us.
see you!

astrid F. ha detto...

ps:sorry for the typing errors, I didn't read myself before sending :P

Michele ha detto...

i would watch this movie, but it was impossible. I'll buy it on dvd High Definition because my brother in law, Alberto Crespi, wrote a comment about it on "L' UNITA'" italian newspaper.
Alberto found it very interesting and he advised me to buy it.

astrid F. ha detto...

hello everybody...
I wanted to say that I've loved the Law&Cinema course!!! Obviously it's easyier to understand the link between law and cinema : lots of movies ARE about legality, law, illegality, crimes, the descent to hell into illegal affairs when poeple don't have the right tools to live a normal life.
A kind of legal theme can be found in a recent movie, "Die Welle- L'Onda" even if the ethical link is much important. I found this movie very interesting : it is the story about a high school professor witch has a week to teach autocracy in a classroom. Here is the fact : to explain i a complete, overwhelming way the cncept, he creates his own autocracy with a simbol,a name, a way of thinking (against Anarchy), a dress-code. But something's happening in the teenagers's mind: they get too much involved in the group (Die Welle)and start o commit serious, damaging crimes to others then to eachother. The point is: is the professor authorised to teach in that way, not getting count of the fact that as teenagers, these could get into serious trouble? Does the appartenance of a social group allows the participants to change the Law, and create teir self laws, whitch are not exacly made for everyone? Is it illegal to reverse democracy?
Just watch the movie. I really found it terrible, and so interresting.
have a nice sunday! :)

Michele ha detto...

I agree upon with ASTRID, and i' m saying why in a few words: Action movie are the "backbone" of law and cinema movement.
Without forgetting that, the aspect of the law is very this, in the film horror. On the contrary, we must say that in the horror films law becomes an instrument of violence.
Even if legitimate, the horror films violence is the maximum representation of the brutality and the human meanness: in Italy great masters such as Fulci, Bava, Argento, are a striking example.
without retrace school Italian horror, we think for example decrypts from Pier Paolo Pasolini cruelty in the its "SALO' E LE 120 GIORNATE DI SODOMA".
Pasolini, inspired by the Marquis de Sade, visually plays the cruelty of psychological violence. Which is more appalling of physical violence.
In this case we could, therefore, speak of law (brutal law) and cinema.
The law becomes (as argued for example Saddam Hussein) "everything that is written and issued by those in power".
Here, I have before mentioned Saddam Hussein.
These days a glaring example the are in the "CASA SADDAM" miniseries: a real reconstruction not only of the private but also political life of the Iraqi dictator. Both the Iraqi dictator, and his eldest son Udayy use without any decency violence and repression as simple game of power (this is apparent from the miniseries been aired on sky-cinema).
With these examples I wanted to point out a negative side of the law inside the cinema: the law as a verb in the strongest as instrument of extermination and does not, as often happens, read right and protected with the various heroes honest and good.

Michele Viti