Dear students,
here we are: time flies and the beginning of the 2009 "Law and the Humanities" course isn't that far-off anymore. We remind you that it is compulsory, to take the exam at the end of the semester, to take part in the blog. That means that you will be asked to leave your comments or to ask questions, and to sign them.
Prof. David Skeel (University of Pennsylvania Law School) will open the course on March 11th (first week: from Wed. to Fri.: 11th-13th March; second week: 18th-20th March). You will find very soon on this blog the complete list of speakers and, from the beginning of March, you will also find useful information on the course program, on the speakers' c.v., on the suggested readings, etc. In the meanwhile, if you want, you can start reading something about the Law and the Humanities movement in general, just to understand what it is all about:
J.M. Balkin / S. Lavinson, Law and the Humanities: An Uneasy Relationship, in "Yale Law Journal of Law and the Humanities", 18 (2006), pp. 155-186 (On HeinOnline).
As for most of the articles we will suggest you during the whole second semester, you can find it on the databases you can access from the computers of our University (you can't access them from your pc at home), especially Jstor and HeinOnline.
1) Go to:
2) Click on "risorse elettroniche"
3) Click on "banche dati" and you will find HeinOnline and Jstor
here we are: time flies and the beginning of the 2009 "Law and the Humanities" course isn't that far-off anymore. We remind you that it is compulsory, to take the exam at the end of the semester, to take part in the blog. That means that you will be asked to leave your comments or to ask questions, and to sign them.
Prof. David Skeel (University of Pennsylvania Law School) will open the course on March 11th (first week: from Wed. to Fri.: 11th-13th March; second week: 18th-20th March). You will find very soon on this blog the complete list of speakers and, from the beginning of March, you will also find useful information on the course program, on the speakers' c.v., on the suggested readings, etc. In the meanwhile, if you want, you can start reading something about the Law and the Humanities movement in general, just to understand what it is all about:
J.M. Balkin / S. Lavinson, Law and the Humanities: An Uneasy Relationship, in "Yale Law Journal of Law and the Humanities", 18 (2006), pp. 155-186 (On HeinOnline).
As for most of the articles we will suggest you during the whole second semester, you can find it on the databases you can access from the computers of our University (you can't access them from your pc at home), especially Jstor and HeinOnline.
1) Go to:
2) Click on "risorse elettroniche"
3) Click on "banche dati" and you will find HeinOnline and Jstor